

  • Actually, this page should be 'More About' since you've probably checked out my basic info on the homepage already.
  • My education background:
    • 2024 - till who knows when: William & Mary Ph.D Student in Computer Science Williamsburg, VA, United States
    • 2021 - 2023: New York University M.S. in Computer Science New York, NY, United States
    • 2016 - 2020: Nankai University B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology Tianjin, China
  • Teaching experience:
    • @ William & Mary
      • [Spring 2025] - Teaching Assistant - CSCI 243 Discrete Structures of CSCI
      • [Fall 2024] - Teaching Assistant - CSCI 432 Web Programming Designed course structure and assignments with Prof. Yifan Sun for this new course at WM!
      • [Spring 2024] - Teaching Assistant - CSCI 312 Principles of Programming Languages
    • @ New York University
      • [Spring 2023] - Teaching Assistant - CSCI-GA.2250 Operating Systems
  • I used to be a frontend engineer, so I still spend a ton of time messing with JavaScript—TypeScript, to be exact—for my research stuff and just for fun projects. Atwood's Law: “Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.”
  • This site is running on Notion and Vercel. I've added some extra code to nextjs-notion-starter-kit to make it a better fit for academic stuff. You can find my version here. Just a heads up, I haven't gotten around to writing the README for my changes yet… (Bad habit!)
  • My motto is ‘可以,但没必要’, it means ‘Sure, but why though?’ It's like my way of asking 'Do we really need to do it?'
  • I love penguins, that’s why the icon of this page is a penguin.
  • I'm really into cars. Even though poverty prevents me from exotics, I still get plenty of drive time with my beater and home simulators. Plus, I handle oil changes and whatever maintenance I can do on my own without needing a garage.